Kari’s Voluspa

Things that concern the health of our Folk Soul,our Human Soul, and our Planetary Soul.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am a Völva. Völva is Old Norse for “staff carrier,” the traveling spiritual guide learned in the ways of my European/Scandinavian Folk Soul. Like Thorbjorg from Eric the Red’s Saga, I am invited into communities to lead ceremony, share information, impart wisdom, and perpetuate the folk ways through song, story, and dance. I heal oorlag at it's source and read wyrd for individuals and groups.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Five Crones, One Garage

I was honored to present/perform the Huldre Project to my mother and her two sisters, one cousin, and a deep roots friend of the family on Saturday, July 8th, 2006.

June's musings were un-bloggable! I was so busy with recording, writing, and editing that there was really no room for new musings at all.

But, oh! The love and excitement in sharing this past few month's work with the matriarchs of my family, when all my work has been about them, really, my roots. Well, I will tell you. I am so full of joy at the response they gave.

I think Joy is a really delicate balance between pride and humility. I think that could be part of it's definition, anyhow.

I love my muses and my mothers and their mothers before them for all the deep roots material they have provided me. A sense of nourishment and security comes from all of this and it is bound to grow some more lovely fruits than even I can imagine.

Tak fer alt, bestemors!



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