Kari’s Voluspa

Things that concern the health of our Folk Soul,our Human Soul, and our Planetary Soul.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am a Völva. Völva is Old Norse for “staff carrier,” the traveling spiritual guide learned in the ways of my European/Scandinavian Folk Soul. Like Thorbjorg from Eric the Red’s Saga, I am invited into communities to lead ceremony, share information, impart wisdom, and perpetuate the folk ways through song, story, and dance. I heal oorlag at it's source and read wyrd for individuals and groups.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lightening Across the Plains

Sept. 24 through 27 - I am headed out again! I travel south to the Gaea Retreat Center, a place I have done ritual in the past. I was there in 2000 and 2001 with the collaboration "Daughters of Gaia" with Michelle Mays and Gina Citoli.
What a time.
This time I am heading down in a caravan with Volkshof Kindred to attend the first annual gathering, Lightening Across the Plains! I was invited to attend by Mark Stinton whose Jouten's Bane Kindred is sponsoring the big gathering. This is a gathering of people throughout the lower Midwest who are actively pursuing the culture, religion and spiritual traditions of their Indo-European ancestors. Through sharing our research, our unique perspectives, and our own family histories, we are creating a living opus of our ancestral folkways here in the United States, in the Midwest! It's a very exciting opportunity for me as a staff carrier to share work with Rod Landreth, Spaeman for Jouten's Bane and others who may be there doing deep spiritual work.

It's also an opportunity to sing the songs of my family, my Hamingja, my folkway. There will be many children to entertain and I am looking forward to teaching kulokk and other fun vocalizations.

Mange takk til Jouten's Bane for hosting such an important event!

See some of you there!!


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