Kari’s Voluspa

Things that concern the health of our Folk Soul,our Human Soul, and our Planetary Soul.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am a Völva. Völva is Old Norse for “staff carrier,” the traveling spiritual guide learned in the ways of my European/Scandinavian Folk Soul. Like Thorbjorg from Eric the Red’s Saga, I am invited into communities to lead ceremony, share information, impart wisdom, and perpetuate the folk ways through song, story, and dance. I heal oorlag at it's source and read wyrd for individuals and groups.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rune book

An update:
we are working on getting it published on the web for you by Yule!

Join my email list at karitauring.com to get the news right away.

I am performing a lot throughout December, check my calendar on my site. I have written a new rockin' rune chant called "Runes of Winterfinding" which we will play, yes, in the Mall of America.

Everyone should be able to feel this shift!

Your random rune for December is Gifu.

Gifu is the X
The gift of humans in relationship, the relationship in gifting. In Norwegian the word for marriage is the same as the word for gift.
Gifting entails relationship, a giver and a receiver.
It creates ritual.
It creates community - the very essence of survival as humans.

So when you are gifting this year, make it intentional, ritual, meaningful, and void of attachments and expectations.

The Wiccan saying "what ever you put out comes back to you three fold" has been proven true in my life. So giving/gifting without attachment has meant so many blessings that have come my way unexpectedly.

Love is the best gift of all!



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