Kari’s Voluspa

Things that concern the health of our Folk Soul,our Human Soul, and our Planetary Soul.

My Photo
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am a Völva. Völva is Old Norse for “staff carrier,” the traveling spiritual guide learned in the ways of my European/Scandinavian Folk Soul. Like Thorbjorg from Eric the Red’s Saga, I am invited into communities to lead ceremony, share information, impart wisdom, and perpetuate the folk ways through song, story, and dance. I heal oorlag at it's source and read wyrd for individuals and groups.

Monday, April 10, 2006

New Songs for Huldre

I wrote one based on Dromte mig i drom en natt.
Maren wrote one on the Volspusa.
Ken was dubbed Spellman and we wrestle with this song.
We all learned Kjerringa med Staven (Old Woman with a Stav) from "Mike and Elsies" book of Norwegian folk songs that my mother let me borrow.

We rehearse on Monday Nights.

Our next performance is on May 1st at the Bryant Lake Bowl Theater opening up for "How the Sap Does Rise"

Here's the link for the show.

Ha det bra,

Laguz the Broken Reed

Laguz the broken reed
a warning to us all

Women's work goes on here.

Be quiet, walk carefully, or go out to the field and run around.

This is the Field of Water, the well of women's work.

This is the Laguz lake of my ancestors.

Gitchigumi in my State, for me. Medicine Lake of my child hood.
Sommers lake and the Peterson's lake out there in Hopkins.

These are the days we sit Siva by our moon time blood and washing.
These are the days we walk on the water with our Friends.

These are the days of the broken reed, laguz days, so be careful.


Kari Tauring