Kari’s Voluspa

Things that concern the health of our Folk Soul,our Human Soul, and our Planetary Soul.

My Photo
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I am a Völva. Völva is Old Norse for “staff carrier,” the traveling spiritual guide learned in the ways of my European/Scandinavian Folk Soul. Like Thorbjorg from Eric the Red’s Saga, I am invited into communities to lead ceremony, share information, impart wisdom, and perpetuate the folk ways through song, story, and dance. I heal oorlag at it's source and read wyrd for individuals and groups.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June is a Thing-month

In the way of the Norse tradition, I have been traveling for most of this month. What a joy it is to meet with so many good and wise people!
My birthday is coming up - 44 on the 4th...double golden!!
I have a very special bottle of liquid to consume and I am so happy in my life that I imagine it will be a very good birthday!
Best to all of you who read this blog.